been gay。 But if he was going to be gay; shouldn?t he at least find a boyfriend who made him feel
something besides awkward and nervous? His eyes scanned the room; finally landing on Vanessa;
who was talking to his mother and nodding like she actually had some clue as to what Jeanette
was talking about。 She caught his eye and winked; and Dan instantly felt a little bit better。
?Sure;? he replied weakly。 ?That?d be good。?
A look of relief swept over Greg?s face。 ?Thanks。 You?re the best。? He gave Dan?s hand a little
squeeze before returning to sit next to Chuck; who was feeding his monkey wild boar pat?; its
fingers covered with the soft brown goo。 Dan watched in horror as the monkey screeched;
throwing its furry head back and smearing the pat? all over the freshly washed white wall。
So much for redecorating。
Copyright ? 2007 by Alloy Entertainment
All rights reserved。
Little; Brown and pany
Hachette Book Group USA
237 Park Avenue; New York; NY 10017
Visit our Web site atHachetteBookGroupUSA。
First eBook Edition: May 2007
The characters and events in this book are fictitious。 Any similarity to real persons; living or dead;
is coincidental and not intended by the author。
ISBN: 978…0…316…04206…2
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about;and that is not being talked
?Oscar Wilde
ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02
Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。
hey people!
It?s finally August; and you know what that means: New York City is officiallyhot; hot; hot 。 Not
that I would actually know。 My friends and I have spent the last month hiding out in our quaint
beach houses in the dunes of Montauk and in little country cottages on Gin Lane in
Southampton?and bylittle I mean eight bedrooms and five baths; of course?soaking up the summer
sun and working on our Bain de Soleil tans。
So who are we? If you really have to ask; then the question is; Darling; where have youbeen ?
We?re the girls in batik…print Marni sundresses; nursing our hangovers with Veuve Clicquot
mimosas under wide…brimmed straw Philip Treacy hats while we watch the show…jumping at the
Hampton Classic。 We?re the crowd skinny…dipping on Main Beach at daybreak; waking up at 2
p。m。 and going to bed at 6 a。m。?who has time to sleep when there are so many poolside soirees to