
子浪小说>gossip girl sleep no more > 第20部分(第1页)


his face; and closed his eyes for a minute。 ?I mean; what good would it do to tell Blair about

Serena anyway? She?s going to Yale tomorrow。 And maybe she?ll go; and I?ll miss her so much

I?ll be on the Metro…North every freaking Friday。 Or maybe me and Serena will be together?so

why decide now; right?? ?Nate 。 。 。? Chips turned and looked at Nate thoughtfully; one hand

resting on his stiff leg。 ?Don?t twist my words to your own convenience。 There?s a difference

between protecting someone else and protecting yourself。 And it doesn?t sound to me like you?ve

done much thinking about what?s really best for those two girls you claim to love so

much。? ?Yeah?? Nate stared glumly down at the wide…planked floor。 He knew how hurt Serena

would be if he told her he was going to see Blair every weekend at Yale。 He also knew that if he

told Blair what had happened with Serena; that shoe…throwing scene would look like a trip to the


Step right up to see the man…eating Manolo…thrower! ?But there?s this other thing;? Nate went on;

struggling with his thoughts。 ?Blair and Serena 。 。 。 they both know exactly what they want。

They?ve got all theseplans 。 。 。 。 Everyone else knows what they want; but I just 。 。 。don?t 。 And

even if I did; I feel like everything?s been decided for me。? The sparkling water seemed to laugh

at him。 Weeks before; the water had been full of promise。 Now he just felt like he was sinking。

?That?s the biggest pile of bullshit I?ve ever heard in all my living days;? Chips growled。 He

leaned forward so that his face was inches from Nate?s。 ?Look at me?I?m sixty…five years old;

I?ve got a bad leg; and on Sunday morning; I?m setting sail around the world。? He tapped his shin

and it made a weird knocking sound。 ?Knock on wood; it?ll be the best thing I ever did。? Knock

on wood?

Nate?s eyes widened in surprise at Chips?s announcement?sail around the world? Damn。

Chips tossed the cigar overboard with a flourish。 ?Boy;??his voice was grave??I?m going to give

you the exact same advice I gave your father twenty…five years ago。? He paused; looking Nate

dead in the eye。 ?You need to figure out what you really want?no more of this pussyfooting

around。 Remember; you?ve got to think with your balls; not with your dick。? Here we go again。

Nate nodded; looking at the floor; starting to understand what Chips?s perverse little saying

really meant。 He was right?all this going back and forth about Serena and Blair wasn?t helping

anyone。 It was all about his dick; but there was nothing brave or manly about lying to the two

people he loved most in the world。

?Every boy has to bee a man sometime。? Chips drained his glass and placed it on the teak

plank floor。 ?Now?s your turn。? Is that Scottish…old…man…speak for ?Grow a sack??


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