aware of howalone they were?and remembered what had happened the last time they?d been alone
At lease she?s wearing soft rubber flip…flops。
Blair seemed calm now; but maybe she?d just been waiting for Aaron and Tyler to leave。 If that
mixer was plugged in; it could really do some damage to his face。 But; then; to his utter relief; she
?Hey; yourself;? she responded; her blue eyes shining。
?Natie; I?m glad you came。 I just wanted to tell you that I?m sorry about the other day。 I got 。 。 。
carried away。 And I?ve been thinking about it。 We can totally make this work。? She gave his hand
a squeeze and then dropped the mixer back on the shelf with a loud thump。 ?You never know what
surprises the future may bring。? Nate felt his body sag with relief。 He hadn?t even realized how
tense he?d been。
?Let?s go to Bedroom。? Blair suggested。 Then she giggled。 ?I said to bedroom; not to bed。 Don?t
get your hopes up; horndog。? She turned on her heel and started walking down the gleaming white
aisle; an extra flirtatious swish in her step。
Nate bent down and picked up the massive laundry bin stuffed with carefully selected
items。 ?Seriously; Blair; why do you need all this stuff? Where are you going to put it?? he asked
when he?d caught up with her; his arms sagging under the bin?s weight。 Suddenly he remembered
the description of hell in Dante?sInferno from eleventh…grade English class。 There were different
circles of hell; and everyone suffered according to their crimes。 Was carrying the leaden bin his
penance for sleeping with Serena? Was he doomed to carry that guilt for all eternity?
The Curse of the Container Store?ing to a Blockbuster near you。
?I admit; fitting everything into a tiny dorm room is going to be a challenge。? Blair paused at a
shelf filled with clear plastic boxes and bins of every shape and color。 She ran her hands over a
huge set of colorful; stackable drawers; opening each drawer one by one。 ?But I had the Yale
housing office fax me a floor plan this morning。 If we loft my roommate?s bed way up close to the
ceiling; we should have just enough space for a double bed and a dresser and maybe even a small
love seat。? We?
?And it?ll only be for a few weeks; anyway?before we find a cute little colonial house with ivy
and one of those claw…footed bathtubs and a woodstove。 That?s what the kitchen stuff is for。? ?But
you don?t cook;? Nate pointed out。 Suddenly the rest of what she?d said hit him in a rush。 ?And
wait?we? But I?m going to be here in the city。 。 。 。? Blair tossed the set of drawers on top of the
stack in the overflowing laundry bin。 ?Well; you could just take the train into the city in the
morning and e back to New Haven at night。You get out of school at; like; three anyway。? She