
子浪小说>gossip girl sleep no more > 第13部分(第1页)


Vanessa?s。 ?I?m an ass…hole;? she declared; one lone tear spilling over her cheek。 ?I can?t believe

I ever doubted him。? Vanessa brushed the tear away with her fingers; and Ruby held her glass in

the air; her drunken brown eyes shining in the dim light。 ?A toast?? ?To your wedding!? Vanessa

yelled; clinking glasses with her sister and then downing the contents of the glass。

Twenty minutes and another shot later; the room was spinning。 The Coyote Ugly girls were up on

the bar line dancing; screaming insults into a megaphone; and Vanessa found herself unable to tear

her eyes away as the girls worked the room。 They were soconfident 。 One gorgeous brunette in a

tight black wifebeater; rhinestone…studded jeans; and a cowboy hat danced furiously on top of the

bar; her body shaking with the music。 A guy in front of the bar in a pink Izod shirt with the collar

popped grabbed her leg。 The brunette bent down; smiling wickedly; and doused him with a pitcher

of water hidden behind the bar。 The crowd erupted in cheers。

Ruby grabbed Vanessa?s arm and slurred; ?You should be up there; V。 You?re hotter thanany of

those girls!? Then she pushed her from behind; shoving her toward the bar。 ?Get up there and

show them how it?s done!? Vanessa looked down at her hot outfit; enjoying the feel of the blond

hair swinging around her face as she moved。 She pushed up to the front of the crowd and extended

her hand toward the Daisy Duke brunette; who whooped and pulled her up onto the bar。 Vanessa

surveyed the crowd; feeling a sudden surge of power。 She started swinging her hips; her platforms

kicking shot glasses off the bar as she moved her feet。

If only that cab driver who?d mistaken her for a guy could see her now?he?d beg for forgiveness。

So what if Dan; the guy she?d thought was the love of her life; only liked her for her bald head?

She was as much of a woman as anyone else in here。 And now she freakinglooked like it。

?What?s up; hot stuff?? the bartender purred; grabbing her by the waist; pulling her close。 The

crowd went wild; cheering and whooping with raucous; liquor…soaked shouts。

?Hey baby!? A guy up front tried to get Vanessa?s attention while someone else shouted; ?Shake

it; girl!? Vanessa shook her hips and two…stepped her way down the slick surface of the bar;

winking at frat guys and flipping her long blond hair as she went。 Okay; so maybe this wasn?t the

most mature way to deal with Dan rejecting her; but hearing all the encouraging whoops and

hollers sure as hell felt therapeutic。

Sothat?s what thoseGirls Gone Wild videos are about?healing。 As if!

A drunken guy with a blond buzz cut held out a fistful of dollar bills in his hand; gesturing to her

and shouting loudly。 Without a moment?s thought; Vanessa bent at the waist and grabbed the

sleeve of his blue Abercrombie T…shirt; pulling him closer as if she were about to kiss him。 Then

she grabbed a pitcher of water from behind the bar and dumped it over the poor guy?s head。 She

wasn?t just doing this for herself?she was doing it for girls with gay ex…boyfriends everywhere。

The crowd went wild; screaming and cheering; and through her alcoholic haze Vanessa could

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