?Oh; noway !? she exclaimed; pointing at the photo album as he turned to the next page。There
was Nate; blissfully passed out between a smiling Serena and Blair; the words BUCK NAKED
scrawled in red marker across his bare; hairless chest。 ?I didn?t even know we had this! I?ll let you
keep the alligator one if you promisenever to burn this one。 。 。 。? She looked up and gave him a
mischievous smile。
?Deal。? Nate stuck his hand out; and she shook it; slowly drawing her hand away。
Looking down at eighth…grade Nate; so peaceful and sleepy; Serena couldn?t help remembering
how warm his skin always was; and how; on the night they?d lost their virginity to each other; she
hadn?t needed a blanket at all?sleeping with Nate was like sleeping with your own personal
And just as dangerous 。 。 。
?What were you saying though before?what?s weird?? Serena looked down at the ends of her
hair again; afraid of his answer。
?I don?t know。? Nate flipped the page and pointed to a picture of Blair on the steps of the Met
with Serena; their arms wrapped around each other; tongues sticking out at the camera。 ?Things
seemed so much easier back then。 No college。 No worries。 No responsibilities。? ?Like taking
theCharlotte for a month without asking?? she said; grinning。 ?It must?ve been awesome。? She
cleared her throat and rolled over onto her back; her hands on her belly。 Her stomach dipped and
rolled in anticipation and nervousness。 She wasn?t sure she really wanted to know the answer to
that question; but at the same time; she couldn?t seem to stop herself from asking。
?It was。? Nate closed the photo album and looked at her。 ?Being out there with no parents;
nothing to worry about; just me and Blair 。 。 。 it was probably the best month of my life;? he said;
although he was really thinking about how kissable Serena?s lips always looked?the way they
were always a little parted; with just a trace of a smile。
Serena?s heart plummeted in her chest。 She wanted so badly to have been the one out there with
him; totally alone; nothing around but the endless expanse of blue water and their half…naked
bodies。 She wondered for the millionth time if he had found her letter and read it。 Somehow; she
doubted he had。 If he?d found the letter; he would?ve said something; right? But there was
probably no point in asking anyway。 He loved Blair。 There was no question。 She felt dizzy at the
thought。 How could she go up to Yale with them in a week and watch as Nate and Blair stared into
each other?s eyes for four long years? She didn?t think she?d be able to stand it。
Nate?s phone rang; breaking the peaceful silence。 He grabbed it from the floor and as he reached
out; his T…shirt rode up a little; exposing the smooth; tanned skin of his back。 Serena swallowed
and tried to look away。 Nate pushed the speakerphone button and a gravelly; decidedly grumbly
voice was released into the air。
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